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Mayeli Alonsos Father Died: Lupillo Riveras Ex Is In Mourning

The businesswoman Mayeli Alonso assured that she is very sad about the death of her father; Lupillo Rivera has not commented on the matter

The ex-wife of Lupillo Rivera is in mourning, this Friday the businesswoman and influencer, Mayeli Alonso, shared through her Instagram stories the pain she is going through when losing her father. In a post where she appears alongside him, she explained how sad she was.

Alonso and Rivera did not end in the best way, and since their separation in 2019 both have thrown themselves against the other with accusations of infidelity and problems for the maintenance of the children they procreated when they were together, perhaps a reason why until the moment “El toro del corrido” has not commented on the death of his former father-in-law.

Mayeli Alonso is in mourning

It was through her stories on Instagram, where almost a thousand fans follow her, that Rivera’s businesswoman and ex-partner reported on the difficult time she and her family are going through. With a publication where she is seen with her father, Mayeli expressed how sad she feels right now.

“Today God took my father, a thousand soul is very sad … I miss you very much my old man”, were the words with which Alonso shared the image, which she accompanied with the emotional song “Préstame a mi padre”, which is interpreted by Edwin Luna and the band La Trakalosa de Monterrey.

The ex-wife of Lupillo Rivera also took advantage of her social networks to thank all her friends and followers who have sent her a message of support and condolences for the death of her father. “Thank you to all the people for your messages of love, I love you very much,” she wrote.

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Who is Mayeli Alonso?

Mayeli and Lupillo got married in 2006 and had two children, Lupita Karizma and L’rey. After gaining fame as the singer’s wife, she became known as a businesswoman, as she is the General Manager of Town of Lashes, one of the most important online stores for false eyelashes.

She is also the creator of the online fashion blog Pink Fashionista. Alonso , who is now 36 years old, had an appearance in the third season of the popular series “Rica, Famosa, Latina” in 2015, which won the affection of Spanish-speaking audiences in the United States.

At the moment, Mayeli has not given more details of the death, she has only thanked her audience and friends for the expressions of affection received after announcing the news.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
