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Kulbir Jhinjer Under the Roof of Rumours, Is He Dead or Alive?

The Punjabi music industry recently faced a turn of baseless rumors. These rumors circulated about the death of one of the Punjabi Music community’s most prominent singer and songwriter, Kulbir Jhinjer. Since spreading the word, this has raised concerns and worries in Kulbir’s fans and followers community.

Kulbir Jhinjer is a famous personality in the Punjabi Music Industry. He is known for his exceptional singing style and some songs that he sang that had social relevance in the community. He has made an important impact on Punjabi music. He has many popular hits Such as “Pind” and “Sardarni,”

Since he is in this industry, he has made many contributions; for this reason, his fans love and always appreciate his work.

Kulbir’s death rumors

In a sudden turn of events, this young, famous man came under the roof of rumors, which was about his death. This rumor has been widely spread without even verifying this news. We must shed light on this baseless rumor that claims about his death are rubbish; Kulbir isn’t dead. He is alive and doing well in his life.
For such baseless rumors, the singer took this to his official Instagram profile to let his fan community know he was alive.

His response was very much needed, so as soon as he disclosed the news, he shut down everyone’s mouth and gave a break to all this fake, unauthentic information.
This fake news disturbed his audience; whoever came across this news started sharing their condolences and stating on their social media platforms that they missed him.

But since this news of his well-being was confirmed by the singer himself, this has provided the fans with great relief; his fan community is easy now, and again, started enjoying his masterpiece music.

As our hearts and minds are at ease knowing that he is alive. He is doing well in life and will continue his legacy and strong, inspiring presence in the musical industry. He will serve even better the way he’s been serving all this time of his career.

Now, as everyone is cleared about this misinformation that was spread, he has an amazing future ahead. He will continue to serve and make his audience even more passionate.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
