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Kashon Cross, 18, Died in A Motorcycle Crash Last Night

Kashon Cross, an 18-year-old passionate young bike rider, died in a terrible motorcycle accident last night on July 24, 2023. Kashon had savior injuries and wounds on his body. He left the world at eighteen, leaving his family, friends, and girlfriend in trauma and shock.

Kashon was a local Hazlet, New Jersey racer passionate about bikes and cars. Although he knows riding a bike well, this is a sign that life has no trust in living to the fullest as long we are here.

It’s still not clear how this incident happened. The police are inspecting and looking forward to it. The family will soon provide information about his funeral service as they are still in shock and pain. Kashon’s relatives, friends, and girlfriend are all praying for him and sending their condolences to his family.

About Kashon Cross

Kashon Cross had a pure soul with a heart of gold; he cared for and loved his family and girlfriend the most. He was a cheerful person with a Charismatic personality. Kashon was a hard worker and wanted to earn money for his family.

He started earning as a local Bike racer, but he had dreams of becoming a professional rider in her life. Unfortunately, the victim didn’t fulfill his dream.

Kashon belongs to a middle-class family; his girlfriend’s father appealed to the people:  “ I am humbly asking for any help to cover all expenses for his funeral to at least take that burden from his parents.”

A South River resident started a page named “Kashon Cross” on ‘Go Found Me’ by Francislaine Santo to collect money for his funeral last rites, and the page earned $1.855 of the $5000 goals, which will surely go to his family to help for performing Kashon’s funeral in their bad time.

In the end, He will be missed dearly and daily by everyone who knows him; all the prayers and condolences from the loved ones of Kashon Cross.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
