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Brandon Lawson Missing Update: Has Brandon Lawson Been Found?

A few miles south of Bronte, Texas, on a lonely stretch of Highway 277, American Brandon Mason Lawson ran out of gas and vanished in the early hours of August 9, 2013.

Examine the enigmatic 2013 disappearance of Brandon Lawson. Potential solutions can be found in recent discoveries, such as clothing and human remains. To confirm, DNA testing is being conducted.

Brandon Lawson Missing Update

Regarding the case of August 2013 missing person Brandon Lawson, there have been some new developments. The Texas Rangers conducted a search after a search party near Lawson’s last known location found clothing they thought belonged to him. Human remains were found nearby as a result of the search.

DNA testing is being conducted as of August 2023 to verify the identity of the remains, with the expectation that they are those of Brandon Lawson. Since 2013, there has been mystery surrounding the disappearance of Brandon Lawson, who made a terrifying 911 call claiming to be being chased in the desert.

There may have been progress in the case since clothes and human remains were recently found close to his last known location. While DNA results are still pending, the findings offer a fresh perspective on the circumstances surrounding Lawson’s disappearance and could provide his family and others who have been following the confusing case some sense of closure.

Who Was Brandon Lawson?

American man Brandon Lawson disappeared under mysterious circumstances in August 2013. He lived in San Angelo, Texas, with Ladessa Lofton, his ten-year girlfriend, at the time of his disappearance. Although Lawson had a past of substance abuse, he had been sober for roughly half a year prior to going missing.

After an argument with Lofton on August 8, 2013, he left his house that evening, saying he was going to his father’s house in Crowley, Texas. But he never made it to where he was going. Lawson made an eerie 911 call in which he claimed to be running out of gas and that he was being pursued by people he couldn’t identify. This call helped bring attention to Lawson’s disappearance.

What Happened to Brandon Lawson?

There is still much to learn about the circumstances surrounding Brandon Lawson’s disappearance on August 8, 2013, night. Lawson left his San Angelo, Texas, home after getting into a heated argument with his girlfriend, claiming to be going to his father’s home in Crowley.

But he never did, and the last we heard from him was when he called his brother, Kyle Lawson, at 12:30 in the morning, saying he had run out of gas on U.S. Route 277 between Bronte, Texas, and San Angelo. In the ensuing 911 call, Brandon claimed he was being pursued by unknown people in the desert and spoke with urgency.

His subsequent conversations with his family and a sheriff’s deputy turned increasingly rambling and nonsensical, setting off a bewildering series of events. After that, a lot of searches were done, but at first there were no signs of Brandon Lawson. Not until a recent update did a search party find clothing close to his last known location; this prompted the Texas Rangers to search the area and find human remains.

Has Anyone Found Brandon Lawson?

Brandon Lawson has not been located as of yet. He ran out of gas in Texas in August 2013, and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance have remained a bewildering mystery. No major breakthroughs were found for several years, despite intensive search efforts.

In 2022, apparel thought to be Lawson’s was found close to his last known location by a search team. After that, the Texas Rangers conducted a search and found human remains nearby. But as of August 2023, DNA testing is still needed to determine the identity of the remains, so the mystery surrounding Brandon Lawson’s whereabouts remains unsolved.

FAQs – Brandon Lawson Missing Update

Brandon Lawson vanished when?

In August 2013, Brandon Lawson vanished from sight.

What caused him to vanish?

After fighting with his girlfriend and leaving his San Angelo, Texas, home one night, Lawson vanished.

What noteworthy development in the case has happened?

The Texas Rangers discovered human remains in the area after a search party discovered clothing they thought to be Lawson’s.

What prompted Lawson to call 911 the evening before he vanished?

Lawson claimed to be running out of gas and to be being pursued by unknown people in the desert during the terrifying 911 call.
