In a tragic turn of events, the devastating incident unfolded to the family of Stephanie Sparks, a beloved mother whose 31-year-old son did not return from the job, went missing, and was subsequently found dead. The heart-wrenching event shattered the entire Oklahoma community as everyone was united for the safe return of Ryan, but unfortunately, Ryan’s life ended in an apparent suicide case.
How did he go missing?
According to the law enforcement authorities, Ryan was on his routine job on Friday when the sad wave spread over the community. It has been reported that Ryan was at the place where he was working, and after a 30-minute break, he said he was going home. After 30 minutes, a co-worker called Ryan, and he responded to the call by saying that he would be back in five minutes.
Law enforcement authorities reported that Ryan’s phone was switched off at 6 pm on Friday. Since then, multiple agencies have collaborated, and Ryan’s acquaintances tried their best to search for him. His mother, Stephanie, took the social media and asked for her son’s thorough search; she stated that he had not returned since 4:00 pm. He was last seen on Friday in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ryan was driving a white pickup truck with front-end damage and a trailer attached.
Several law enforcement departments and divisions carried out the investigation, and after an extensive search, Ryan was found dead on Saturday. According to the statement of law enforcement, he had committed suicide and passed away. The authorities have not yet disclosed the suspicious aspect involved in his death at the time of this publication and have not found any conclusion of the case.
In this time of tragedy, the community plays a vital role in uniting and supporting the family of Ryan Drew, as his mother has been going through the most challenging time of her life. It will take some time for her to heal from this big loss. Till then, it is crucial to keep the Stephanie family in your prayers and provide extensive support to Ryan’s family.
Did Ryan Drew spark?
Ryan Drew was a resident of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He attended Thomas Edison Preparatory School and later went to Richland College. Ryan Drew Sparks was the esteemed owner and operator at Sparks Holiday Lightning and Sparks Property Care and Repair.
Obituary and funeral
The family will release the Obituary and funeral preparations at a later date.
Sidra Tul Muntaha
Sidra Nadeem is a student and a freelance profressional content writer from Karachi, Pakistan. From social media posts to blog posts, she can almost write on anything. Her main objective is to deliver high quality content for her readers With 2+ years of experience in writing, She crafts such quality content that keeps the readers on the edge of their seats.