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Juan Carlos Novelo Died: What Was His Cause Of Death?

This September 16, Juan Carlos Novelo, Caifanes’s first drummer, died in Mexico City.

The rock group Caifanes is in mourning: this September 16, Juan Carlos Novelo, the band’s first drummer, died. The news was released through the official social networks of the group.

“We were a good carnal, great musician and superhuman being, companion of several battles and sounds, Juan Carlos Novelo, first drummer of Caifanes. Good road carnau, see you on the other side ”, reads a message where no further details of the death were given. so far the causes of death were not revealed

Juan Carlos was part of Caifanes between 1987 and 1988, years that marked the launch of the band. With them, he recorded classics such as La Negra Tomasa, the group’s first great success, and Mátenme because I die, among others.

Later he decided to leave the group but continued in the world of music, as he joined as a member of another of the most popular rock bands of the 80s in Mexico: Kerigma.

In fact, this band also published a farewell message for Novelo on Facebook: “Juan Carlos Novelo, brother in music, carnal, friend. Those of us who had the privilege of knowing you celebrate your life and courage to face the adversities that it sometimes brings. Today that you undertake the journey to infinity we bid you farewell with sadness, but with the security of having embraced you and enjoyed your talents and joy. Join Neto Canales and Fernando Gallegos, prepare the palomazo for when we are complete. Have a good trip Juanito, Kerigma forever ”.

According to information from Proceso magazine, people from the world of rock and jazz went to a funeral home in Coyoacán to say goodbye to Juan Carlos, who was also a music producer and composer. Also, musician Guillermo Briseño commented to the media that the drummer would have died around 8 in the morning on September 16.

In addition to Caifanes and Kerigma, Juan Carlos Novelo was the drummer for many artists: from Marco Antonio Muñiz and Los Hermanos Castro, through Armando Manzanero , Tania Libertad and Eugenia León .

According to Proceso, at the beginning of the pandemic, it had emerged that Juan Carlos was fighting cancer, although it is not confirmed that this disease was the cause of his death. Rest in peace.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
