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Where Is Daniel Petry Now? Gabriel Kuhn Case Story Explained

Robberies, crimes and murders are all too rampant in our day and age practically everywhere. Teenagers are also implicated in these kinds of crimes and acts of violence, in addition to older or more mature individuals. However, the incentive for the teens participating in this would be different.

If you pay close attention to crime scenes and cases, you will undoubtedly be aware of the Gabriel Kuhn case tale; if not, we will go through the entire scenario in detail. Let’s start the article now. You might find this useful in helping you understand the entire situation.

It is the incident in which a 16-year-old teenager killed a 12-year-old after assaulting him in the course of a minor mishap. This post will go into great detail.

The mental stimulation and inventiveness that video games provide. Due to the tendency to talk extensively about each other’s life, it favors the development of new friendships. Unfortunately, when extraordinary provocation and violence are involved, such in Daniel Petry’s case, it often conveys the incorrect attitudes.

Who is Daniel Philip Petry?

Daniel Philip Petry, a Brazilian citizen born in 1991 in Blumenau, Santa Catarina, is the case’s chief murderer.

His parents sent him to mental therapy because he was a rebellious and extremely angry boy who reacted violently to even the slightest provocation. However, Petry dropped out of these sessions and later quit school. At home, Daniel Petry entertained himself by web browsing, playing the online role-playing game Tibia, and watching programs he thought were from Brazil.

Before getting involved in a murder case, he wasn’t famous or well-known to anyone.

Victim Gabriel Kuhn’s Case Story:

After meeting multiple times, Gabriel and Daniel got very close. Gabriel once requested a loan from Daniel for $1.75 in the virtual currency of Tibia. Unfortunately, he didn’t keep his word and didn’t pay back the money. On July 23, 2007, the infamous child showed up at Kuhns’ door quite early. Gabriel wouldn’t open the door when Daniel stated he wanted to apologize. So he let Daniel in and as Daniel went he locked the door behind him.

After beating him ruthlessly for a bit, he started raping him. He wrapped electrical cables over his neck firmly and choked him. He attempted to suffocate Kuhn while raping him once again as he withdrew the wire from the game system.

Daniel intends to kill him and bury him in a crawl space trap door in a hallway. He brought a hacksaw from the garage and a knife from the kitchen. He made the decision to cut his legs in order to lose weight.

Daniel sliced the body in half by removing the right leg and raising the hacksaw.

The results of Gabriel Kuhn’s autopsy showed that he had had multiple sodomizations. It happened after he pledged to reveal Daniel’s secrets.

Daniel Petry Accepts His Conduct:

When Daniel was detained shortly after Gabriel died, he immediately revealed that he had killed Gabriel.

The ease with which Daniel was reliving every detail of his interaction with Gabriel that day amazed the police detectives. He didn’t appear anxious as he described how he savagely butchered his body.

Daniel merely admitted to raping Gabriel, which he vehemently disputed. He made an effort to persuade the cops that he hadn’t even raped the man.

Daniel Petry was detained after regrettably confessing to the murder. The mental stimulation and inventiveness that video games provide

In his most recent media interview, he ultimately asserted that Gabriel is a thief who scammed him. He promised to keep him accountable for his actions after that. The murderer received a three-year sentence and was placed in a juvenile criminal facility.

Where is Daniel Petry now?

He was given a three-year prison term and sent to a juvenile delinquency facility. Daniel has reached the age of 21. He has, however, faded from public view. He was released in 2010, and ever since then, he has completely vanished. It is therefore impossible to determine his exact location.


First and foremost, it’s crucial to educate our children the idea that everyone’s life is more essential than money for gaming and other frivolities. When it comes to family or friends, or any other aspect of life, serenity and patience should be paramount.

But in this case, everyone wants Daniel to serve his sentence in prison so that young people of his age will never again commit murder or other crazy acts.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
