Olivia Wilde workout routine during Tron
Warm up with cardio for 5-10 minutes and then circuit train by doing these exercises as a circuit workout.
Repeat this exercise 3 times, resting 2 0r 3 minutes between each circuit.
Circuit training is a great way to lose fat and tear yourself down. With circuit training, an average person can lose between 450 and 600 calories per hour.
She also did some stretching exercises:
It wasn’t difficult for her to follow the above challenging routine as she was already quite fit and just needed a little grasping. But for an average person, it’s a tough job.
Olivia said about her training that
“I worked with a personal trainer, so I worked out about an hour of cardio five days a week, strength training three times a week, mixed martial arts, or fights three times a week. My workout routine got harder and harder as I got stronger. “