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Olivia Wilde Workout-Routine

Olivia Jane Cockburn or better known as Olivia Wilde had to be fit to play the role of “Quorra” in 2010’s Tron Legacy and this Irish-American beauty did a great job. Olivia wasn’t allowed to gain or lose weight during filming because the suits she had to wear were unique. Her fitness routine during Tron was revealed by celebrity fitness trainer Patrick Murphy. Patrick Murphy’s policy is that he never repeats training with clients. He created a training outline which is given below:

Olivia Wilde workout routine during Tron

Warm up with cardio for 5-10 minutes and then circuit train by doing these exercises as a circuit workout.

  • Reverse lunge leg swing – 15 reps on each leg
  • Skip side to side – 10 reps
  • Squat / Curl / Press / Calve increased – 20 reps
  • Jump lunges – 20 reps
  • Squat Rows – 20 reps
  • Power push-ups – 20 reps
  • Torso Rotations – 15 reps on each side
  • Repeat this exercise 3 times, resting 2 0r 3 minutes between each circuit.

    Circuit training is a great way to lose fat and tear yourself down. With circuit training, an average person can lose between 450 and 600 calories per hour.
    She also did some stretching exercises:

  • Stretch Strap Hamstring
  • nerve slides
  • Children’s pose
  • Pigeon Stretch
  • 2 second cobra holds
  • Figure 4 routes
  • It wasn’t difficult for her to follow the above challenging routine as she was already quite fit and just needed a little grasping. But for an average person, it’s a tough job.
    Olivia said about her training that

    “I worked with a personal trainer, so I worked out about an hour of cardio five days a week, strength training three times a week, mixed martial arts, or fights three times a week. My workout routine got harder and harder as I got stronger. “
