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Bestselling Author Lysa Terkeurst Announces Divorce With Husband, Art TerKeurst

Bestselling author Lysa Terkeurst announces divorce from her husband, Art TerKeurst.

She has written over a dozen books, many of them bestsellers, with the most popular ones being the number 1 bestsellers in the New York Times: 

  • Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely
  • Forgiving What You Can't Forget

She is also famous for being the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries.

Proverbs 31 Ministries started as a small newsletter published in 1994 by Jennifer McHugh. The next year, Lysa TerKeurst and Maybeth Whalen got involved and expanded the operation. 

TerKeurst led the way for the newsletter to be transformed into what it is now, where it currently reaches millions of women daily to guide them with Biblical truth and wisdom.

She started publishing her books in 2000, with Living Life on Purpose: Discovering God's Best for Your Life coming out that year.

However, she has recently appeared on the news due to a nasty divorce she is in the middle of with her husband of 30 years.

Did Lysa TerKeurst Divorce With Husband, Art?

Author Lysa TerKeurst recently announced that she would be ending her marriage with her husband of nearly 30 years, Art TerKeurst.

According to the author, her husband had engaged in and chosen patterns of behavior that dishonored God and the biblical covenant of marriage.

She shared the news on January 1st, 2022, that though she and her husband had renewed their marital vows just three years ago, following what she called a painful separation, he broke those vows again.

She said it crushed her heart, and she had repeatedly fought hard to save her marriage.

She further specified that the constant devastation of consistent deception that her spouse did her was brutal and heart-crushing.

She said that she had to learn the difference between mistakes that all people make and choosing patterns of destructive behavior that dishonor God and their marriage.

TerKeurst stated that the decision to end her marriage was the wisest and hardest choice she has ever made and that she has chosen to stop fighting to save her marriage and accept reality.

Although she believes that she has all the right to end her marriage, even in a Christian sense, she has chosen to keep most of the details private to give space and privacy for her family so they can heal.

It is undoubtedly difficult for the author, and one can only hope and pray for her.

Has Lysa TerKeurst Divorced Her Husband Before?

Lysa TerKurst's divorce is sadder because she had given her husband, Art, another chance.

The author initially filed for divorce in 2017 for the same reasons as she is divorcing him now.

Art TerKeurst has a history of repeatedly being unfaithful and abusing substances.

However, things got better, and they eventually reconciled and even renewed their vows in December 2018 near their home in Waxhaw, North Carolina.

For some years, Art seemed like the perfect husband; even his Instagram was filled with pictures with captions that spoke of how much he loved his wife and family, to the point that the comments were filled with people jealous of how much love he had and shared with his family.

But Art had not changed his ways, and he still was the same unfaithful and substance-abusing person he had always been.

Soon enough, Lysa found out and again filed for divorce on December 2021 and publicly announced the matter in January.

To make matters worse, during the divorce proceedings, it became clear that Art had spent over $100,000 of the couple's money on extramarital affairs with a woman he'd met online.

The proceedings also revealed that he is actually and substantially dependent on his wife for maintenance and support.

He further claimed that he does not have the financial ability or adequate resources to maintain his accustomed standard of living without her money.

The man has also claimed he is suicidal, but Lysa has stated that he is narcissistic.

Lysa And Art TerKeurst Have Five Children

Lysa and Art TerKeurst have five children together, three of them biological and two adopted. 

Their three biological children are all daughters, while their two adopted children are sons. Also, their adopted sons are of African American descent.

Their sons' names are Jax TerKeurst and T Markus, while her daughters' names are Hope TerKeurst, Brooke TerKeurst, and Ashley TerKeurst.

T Markus is a musician and has over 28.7K followers on Instagram. He appears to be romantically involved with a caucasian woman who he has been with since 2010, as per his Instagram page.

Jax TerKeurts is also romantically involved with a caucasian woman and seems to be married to one. He has over 1.3K followers on his Instagram.

The rest of the TerKeurst children, all the daughters, seem to be married too.

Hope TerKeurst is now known as Hope TerKeurst Houser and is married to Michael Houser.

Not much is known about what she does, but she does sell her outfits online. She has over 56.9K followers on her Instagram. Brooke TerKeurst is now known as Brooke TerKeurst Isaac and is married to Nick Isaac, a Palestinian. 

She is a hair and makeup artist and has over 28.8K followers on her Instagram.

Lastly, Ashley TerKeurst is married to Spencer Turnbull, a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers. 

She is the one with the most followers among all the children, as she has over 116K followers on her Instagram.

Lysa seems to have a great relationship with her biological and adopted children, and often posts about them and the love she has for them on her Instagram page. 
