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Sam Korankye Ankrah, Other Pastors Have Big Tittle But Lightweight In Spirit Owusu Bempah

Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah, leader of Glorious Word Power Ministry has indicated that Apostle General, Sam Korankye Ankrah is lightweight when they go to spiritual realm.

He explained that the founder and leader of Royal Chapel House title given to him as Apostle General is not a big deal because title does not reflect his power spiritually.

According to Owusu Bempah, Apostle Sam. Korankye Ankrah is older than him in humanity but a lightweight person in the unseen world.

He noted that Leading a big congregants does not make a pastor spiritually heavyweight because anyone can lead a church if the person is have good communication skills.

Rev. Owusu Bempah reiterated that the Apostle comes no near to the best four spiritual pastors nor ten in Ghana.

He revealed that Sam. Korankye Ankrah and other pastors are Reverend because they are good in English speaking but not heavyweight.

