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Gary Crawford Death: Obituary, Cause Of Death, Funeral

A prominent estate planning lawyer in Florence, South Carolina, died. On March 19, 2023, Gary Crawford, a well-known Florence, South Carolina attorney, apparently committed suicide.

Since Gary Crawford’s passing, the beloved, hospitable Attonery’s family has not made any official statements. Wade H. Crawford, Gary’s son, passed away at 48 almost a year ago before Gary committed suicide.

Gary Crawford allegedly committed suicide, although the reason why is unknown at this moment. At this point, it is also unknown how he committed suicide. With the passing of his son Wade Crawford last year, Gary is thought to have been having mental health issues.

The family may reveal funeral plans at a later time. Through their social media, Eberybdy is mourning and remembering Gray Crawford, paying respect to him, and expressing their sympathies.

Gary W. Crawford was a lawyer from Florence, South Carolina, specialising in estate planning. In 1980, the Marshall-Wythe School of Law at the College of William & Mary in Virginia awarded him a Master of Law and Taxation degree.

After attending Presbyterian College, Gary also served in Vietnam before beginning his legal profession. He served as a First Lieutenant in the American Army’s Field Artillery. He received the Vietnamese Service and Campaign Medals and the Bronze Star Medal.

Gary enrolled at the University of South Carolina to study law after leaving the military. Afterwards, he spent four years working for the IRS in Columbia. After that, he spent another three years working for the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs in Washington, DC.

Amelia Warner writes all the Latest Articles. She mostly covers Entertainment topics, but at times loves to write about movie reviews as well.
